Saturday, February 29, 2020

3D Printing Technology for Computing Systems - myassignmenthelp

The 3D printing goal has been realized through integration of various technologies, materials, and emerging processes and tactics which make interaction with 3D printing ecosystem at times difficulty. Contrally to that, the technology has come with a lot more in terms of benefits more so to the manufacturing. To start with, production cost through 3D printing has been cut largely while overall production being increased and made easy. Profit maximization being the objective of any organization, 3D printing has been embraced by many manufacturing firms because of its role to ensuring that firms achieve this objective. The technology has also emerged with its disadvantages also, for instance considering that manufacturing 3D products was tiresome and technical to some extent, many people could occupy such a sector of production. Therefore, emergency of 3D printing led to unemployment. Different authors have had different reactions towards 3D printing technology which is normal as each of them express his own opinions. Some have reacted negatively towards the technology while others have expressed their satisfaction. However, both reactions have been embraced by the readers in accordance to their sense. In this paper we take a look at two authors, Mike Scott and Terry Wohlers and their opinions towards 3D technology Mike Scott, 2017, May. 3D Printing Will Change the Way We Make Things and Design Them In 2017. In  Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems  (pp. 497 508). Available from: In his opinion, Mike predicted 3D printing to have a big impact on the sector of artificial technology, because 3D printing had widened its scope from consumer side where its focus used to be to potential industries. He expresses the manner in which the technology would be advantageous by quoting a case scenario of 3D printed graphene, which would be able to make materials lighter than the atmospheric air but very strong. Such materials would be used to make lightweight products like aircraft and filtration devices which would create a room for saving fuel, costs and reduce emissions Mass production in industrial sector is another advantage he praised 3D printing technology with, he used case study of Dubai based startup, Cazza in this scenario which had reported to have the ability of printing 200m2 of concrete in a day. Therefore, the company could be able to establish structures at a faster rate than conventional methods could allow. Mike gave some examples of companies which had experience change under this technology, like Siemens which through the technology reported benefits on the sector of greenhouse gas emissions reduction, resource use reduction and reduction in time which could be taken in production previously. The company associated its past experience with the limitations of manufacturing process. Mike termed the main factor holding the progress of 3D printing as the risk-averse mindset of the designers. And which he saw as the reason as to why the technology has not been able to have firm bases in the manufacturing sector. One of the shortcomings of Mike’s insights in this journal was his tendency of pointing out mistakes and leaving them without a suggested solution. Considering that the important side of any problem is its solution, Mike could have suggested a solution to the factor of risk-averse mindset of the designers which he termed as the main drawback to the progress of 3D printing technology. Terry Wohlers, 2016, August. The 3D Printing Landscape: Then and Now. Designing brand identity: An essential guide for the whole branding team  (pp. 320 430). Available from: In this journal, Terry aimed at enlightening his readers on the history of 3D technology and its progress over the years. Terming this technology to slowly being appreciated and being embraced by different companies under manufacturing sector, he quoted some of the companies like GE, Airbus, Lima and Stryker which have specialized in producing metal parts useful in sectors like bridge construction. He also enlightened on the modern applications of 3D printing   like in soft and hard tissue print outs which are implanted on animals and human beings as well. He proceeds to give hope to people who accidentally face organ challenges in their lives that through this technology replacement of organs such as fingers, liver and kidney are possible. He foresees the future of electronics as bright under this technology. As through the technology handheld electronics will be 3D printed to conform to product shapes without having to design such products around circuit boards, and this would be a way of making work easier, courtesy of 3D printing technology. He also expresses his excitement towards 3D printing technology on its ability to produce digital inventories which enables companies to manufacture on demand. Although Terry managed to drive his point home on the 3D technology, his journal was too brief for any new reader in 3D printing technology to understand what the technology was all about. This limited the scope of his readers as a result, in that the only readers who could be able to benefit from his journal were the veterans under 3D printing technology. Expounding more on his ideas would be a huge milestone to filling the gap. Mike Scott, 2017, May. 3D Printing Will Change the Way We Make Things and Design Them   Ã‚  Ã‚   In 2017. In  Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Systems  (pp. 497 508). Available from:   make-things-in-2017/#33dc4f6e310e Terry Wohlers, 2016, August. The 3D Printing Landscape: Then and Now. Designing brand   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   identity: An essential guide for the whole branding team  (pp. 320 430). Available from:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚

Thursday, February 13, 2020

The Comprehensive Insight into the Corporation BBC Case Study

The Comprehensive Insight into the Corporation BBC - Case Study Example British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) remains the leading broadcaster in the entire United Kingdom. The company engages in the running of various public global Television stations, digital and cable channels, and worldly radio networks. The BBC One channel is the biggest and provides a broad range of news and entertainment programming. The company broadcasts radio programming through the BBC World Service option in languages that exceed thirty around the globe. Dramas and comedies by the company come in other channels including the discovery channel that aim at reaching particular audiences. This report outlines the major strategic challenges faced by BBC at the stage describes in the case study provided. This results in likely options for future development and growth of the overall corporate strategy generating sustainable competitive advantage for BBC. Other features entail the cultural concepts following implementation of the new strategic approach developed by Greg Dyke. The pa per takes the initial step of assessing challenging factors for BBC covering capabilities, environment, and purpose. This will be crucial in comprehending detailed view of the strategic position taken by the corporation. This analysis leads to a more precise definition of the final future strategic development plan and concepts. The original aim of the British Broadcasting Corporation is to educate, inform, and entertain. It operates on the path line of being the most creative institution around the globe and strives to pursue the same vision through all available means. Values pursued by the company are impartiality and independence, internal collaborations and diversity, value for money, as well as delivery of quality services. These values remain central to the growth and development of BBC as a service company that remains dominant in the United Kingdom and a market leader in the world as well.

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Define and discuss the relationship between language variation, Essay

Define and discuss the relationship between language variation, language attitudes and linguistic discrimination, drawing on specific examples from past research - Essay Example To this end the paper will examine the relationship between language variation, language attitudes and linguistic discrimination. In order to attain this end, the following objectives will be explored: Language variation is the â€Å"differences in systems of a language that result from historical, geographic, social and fundamental changes. This affects a dialect and divides up a language to sub-groups†1. Language variation therefore signifies the ways and systems through which people who speak the same language vary the way they speak and convey ideas and communication through a peculiar or specific approach to conveying their messages. Language variation therefore hinges on the fact that different people have different approaches and different processes of presenting their information and message and this varies from person to person. In throwing more light on the essence of language variation, Thomson identifies that â€Å"language is a historical entity. It is intended to communication ideas and concepts. Variations are persuasive and change with time†2. Thomson’s view of language variation has to do with the fact that language is meant to present ideas and concepts. And within time and space, these concepts and ideas might vary and change as per the changes and modifications in the society. Hence, there are different variations and different approaches and processes through which this communication is carried out and through which different people have and build different views on presenting their ideas and concepts. To add more explanations to this, it can be said that homogeneity in society and in perceptions in the human race is fiction3. This implies that language, which is a product of the wider society within which people lives is bound to be as heterogeneous as the society within which it is used. Therefore, linguistic variation allows linguistics to study about the different versions and different processes that influences and