Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Por vs. Para in Spanish

Two Spanish prepositions, por and para, are usually used for the English word for. The differences between them sometimes are subtle, and thus por and para are a constant source of confusion for Spanish students. Key Takeaways: Por and Para Although both Spanish prepositions por and para can often be translated as for, they have separate meanings and can seldom be used as synonyms.Por is often used to indicate who performs an action or the reason for it being performed.Para is often used to indicate the result of an action being performed. Think of Meaning Rather than Translation If its any consolation, prepositions can be as difficult for people learning English. Why do we sometimes say something is under control, and sometimes say something is in control? Why are we in the house but at home? The rules sometimes escape logic. The key to understanding which preposition to use is to think of the meaning you want to convey. If I use a phrase such as three for a dollar in English, the for has a different meaning than it does in this book is for you. In the first case, for indicates an exchange or a rate, while in the second case it indicates an intention or direction. Thus the Spanish translation of the two phrases are different, tres por un dà ³lar and este libro es para ti. The following chart shows some of the major uses of these two prepositions, including ones not translated by for. Uses for Por Por is often used to indicate how something is done or ihe cause of an action. Although the distinction between cause and outcome isnt always clear, por generally isnt used to indicate the result of an action. Expressing movement along, through, around, by, or about: Anduve por las calles de Gijà ³n. (I walked through the streets of Gijà ³n.) Viajamos por Australia con un Land Rover. (We traveled around Australia with a Land Rover.)Denoting a time or duration when something occurs. Viajamos por tres semanas. (Were traveling for three weeks.) Debes pensar en otras personas por sà ³lo un momento. (You ought to think about other people for just a moment.)Expressing the cause (not the purpose) of an action: Me caà ­ por la nieve. (I fell down because of the snow.) Los conflictos originaron por las diferencias culturales e ideolà ³gicas. (The conflicts began because of the cultural and ideological differences.)  Hay diferencia entre comer por hambre y comer por placer. (There is a difference between eating out of hunger and eating for pleasure.)Meaning per: Dos por ciento. (Two percent.) Prefiero comer cuatro comidas por dà ­a. (I prefer eating four meals per day.) Por can also be trans lated as a when a is a preposition: Leo un libro por semana. (I read one book a week.)Meaning supporting or in favor of: Trabajamos por derechos humanos. (We work for human rights.) No puedo votar por el presidente. (I cant vote for the president.)Introducing the agent of an action after a passive verb:. For this reason, por is often used in stating the author of a book or other composition:  Fue escrito por Bob Woodward. (It was written by Bob Woodward.) Serà ¡ comido por las aves. (It will be eaten by the birds.)Indicating means of transportation: Viajarà © por avià ³n. (I will travel by plane.)  Quiero llegar a Venezuela por barco. (I want to arrive at Venezuela by ship.)Used in numerous expressions: Por ejemplo. (For example.) Por favor. (Please, literally as a favor.) Uses for Para Para is often used to indicate the outcome of an action or to indicate who or what is affected by an action. Meaning for the purpose of or in order to: Para bailar la bamba, necesita una poca de gracia. (In order to dance the bamba you need a little grace.) Los buses se usan para ir a la frontera. (The buses are used for going to the border.)With a noun or pronoun as object, meaning for the benefit of or directed to: Es para usted. Its for you. Necesitamos mucho dinero para el desarrollo del paà ­s. (We need a lot of money for the countrys development.)Meaning to or in the direction of when referring to a place: Voy para Europa. (Im heading to Europe.) Salimos para el almuerzo. (We are leaving for lunch.)Meaning by or for when referring to a specific time: Necesito el regalo para maà ±ana. (I need the gift for tomorrow.) Vamos a la casa de mi madre para el fin de semana. (Were going to my mothers for the weekend.)

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